Without people working together, we wouldn’t have companies that are growing and bringing value to the world. It’s as simple as that. As we’ve said, we believe that people are the greatest asset of any organization. Without the people, the company would not be able to exist.
These days, it’s easier for individuals to start up their own companies. The ability to reach a global market is easier than ever. Let’s explore the importance of Recognition and Appreciation, how to create a Magnetic Tribe attracting the right people, and a Thriving Culture, where employees are reaching their full potential and productivity.
- Recognition & Appreciation
As human beings, we like to be appreciated and recognized, whether it’s at home, at school, or at work. A big reason individuals seek to leave a company is because they do not feel valued. It is always surprising how little a person’s work is acknowledged in an organization. Just on a personal level, who likes to feel like they’ve been taken advantage of or taken for granted? No one! Why should this be any different in the work place?
- Magnetic Tribe
A tribe is a group of people that band together for the common good of the group. According to Seth Godin’s definition, “A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”
A Magnetic Tribe is one that others want to be a part of. There is an attraction that is making people want to become a member. A company culture will attract the type of people who will enjoy being there. In our years of experience as headhunters, we always matched a candidate’s personality to the company culture first. That was the most critical match because if you don’t have a strong match there, the person will never stay long-term, no matter how good the pay or position is.
Look for people that complement each other and bring a healthy diversity into a company.
- Thriving Culture
The culture of a company is an undeniable part of a company. A Thriving Culture focuses on what is working, maximizes that, and, at the same time, eliminates what is not working. We’ve developed the Cultural Pulse so that we can measure the culture in a systematic way, making it more tangible and able to track.
In a Thriving Culture, everyone is empowered. There is flexibility and scalability because people can make decisions that keep things moving forward based on the values and culture of the organization. It becomes much easier to avoid people, products, or processes that simply don’t fit in or that undermine the core values of the culture.
Reaching customers in this day and age is easy; the global market is at our fingertips with our laptops and smart phones. Connecting to and bringing valuable content to people is where the value is today. Tweet this! That connection to people is what is makes companies thrive, both with the employees and with their customers.