Evoloshen Blog

  • Amazing Company Spotlight: GameChangers500

    Imagine a Fortune 500 list for the world’s leading purpose-driven companies and their founders, and you’ll have a pretty good picture of what the GameChangers 500 aims to achieve. “Unlike […]

    Posted: January 15, 2013 | View Post >>

  • A New Way of Building Your Business…

    The last few years have been very interesting for me in coming back into the business world after being literally in isolation and completely unplugged from any technology. It’s been […]

    Posted: January 9, 2013 | View Post >>

  • What is a Dream Job?

    A dream job is a common expression…but do we all have the same definition for this? Since I’ve made it my mission to help others improve their lives, I wanted […]

    Posted: December 4, 2012 | View Post >>

  • What Is Your Working DNA?

    It seems to me that everyone has a natural attraction to certain types of work, jobs, and careers. Even if people do change jobs regularly these days, it is possible […]

    Posted: October 16, 2012 | View Post >>

  • Contributism – A New Business Model for 2012 and Beyond

    Our world is shifting quickly now. We’re seeing it in so many ways. From raising your own personal awareness to seeing governments and countries changing the way they are doing […]

    Posted: October 2, 2012 | View Post >>